The Boss Has Gone CRAZY This Time!

We’re Giving Away Professionally Built WordPress Websites For $299.

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I know what your thinking.


“That’s Impossible”….

Professionally designed WordPress Websites with Aussie Hosting and Domain names cost over a thousand dollars any day of the week.

Yes that’s true, but we have got this down to a fine art.

Our systemised approach to WordPress web design allows us to offer a cheaper, faster and better product than our competitors.

We have dedicated and professionally qualified staff who have worked with a HUGE range of industries.

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These aren’t some scummy DIY WIX site or 1990’s looking Web SHITES.


They are the EXACT SAME WEBSITES and TECHNOLGY that Facebook, Disney, Skype, Vogue, Microsoft, BBC, and other multibillion dollar companies use to house their content and protect their brand image.

Our professionals can showcase your business and make it easy to find on



Duck Duck Go …

or any search engine….

They know how to make a website that will look amazing on computers, tablets, mobile phones and even smart televisions.

We can even present you with your fully built, 100% COMPLETE WEBSITE in under 48 hours. (As long as you give us some info about what you do and how you do it better than other yobbos.)

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Check Out Some Examples Of Our Websites Here

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At this point someone usually says,


“I got a mate who built his own website on Go Daddy for nothing”. ($29/month hosting fees)

I bet he gets about the same amount of web traffic. Nothing.

When a qualified web designer builds your site it not only looks good they know how to structure it so it gets found on Google.  It won’t be like your mates, where you only find it if you scroll to the hundredth page.

Quality web designer who makes cheap websites

I don’t need a website.
I use Yellow Pages and Google My Business…

dont do this to your business
don't use google my business as a website

Don’t make the mistake of leaving your marketing in the hands of Yellow Pages or Google My Business free listings.

You will get what you paid for…. Nothing!

Yellow Pages will drop you like a hot potato when your competitor pays more money to move up the leader board so customers see their listing before yours.

Google My Business pages are pathetically cringe worthy. You may as well dance in a chicken suit with a sandwich board around your neck and let cars honk at you as they drive by. A Google My Business listing is meant to work in conjunction with your website


The $299 website deal used by the pros to get more business than you know what to do with.

Features benefits & inclusions

So right about now, you’re probably still pretty skeptical.

I get it, there are some shady characters on the web.

How can we cut the price down so much and not deliver a half-baked shoddy product?

I want to present you with our features and benefits that will show you EXACTLY what you will get for the low price of $299.

I’m convinced that our $299 websites are the best value websites in Australia by far.

Your business will be given the secret code used by the pros to get more customers than you know what to do with.

I can back it up with the 4 following proofs….





Superior SEO – Search Engine Optimisation

This is basically how easy it is for people to find you online.

Our sites come with SEO inbuilt during the website build.

We don’t play Where’s Wally with your website.

People can find you online because we do some awesome work behind the scenes like:

Because we put the effort into SEO you can rest assured knowing your website wont start sinking into the dark web or off the face of the earth.

SEO gets you found online but our next category helps keep your visitors engaged so they don’t run away in horror. We are talking about website structure.

SEO – Inclusions

Targeted Keywords

Targeted URL Keywords

Headings and Subheadings

Hyperlinks and Anchor Text

Designated Page Names

Text-Based Navigation Elements

Internal Links

Title Tag

Heading Tags H1 to H6

Latent Semantic Indexing

SSL Certificate

Meta Description Attribute

Social Media Links

Local Australian Server in Sydney

Optimised Content Strategy

Optimised Images through Compression

Mobile Friendly Responsive Website

Structure – Arrange your website so It’s easy to use:

Structure deals with the conventions and layout of your website. Users expect it to conform to modern standards and be user friendly. They also like a little bit of creativity to set you apart from everyone else.

If you screw up your structure people will vanish faster than a cake at a weight watchers convention.

They want your website to make sense and follow the basic rules of web design.

So now you know we have your structure covered we can move on to your website content.

Structure – Inclusions



Navigation Bar

Email Link

Phone Link

Body Content

Primary Menu

Secondary Menu

Dropdown Menu

Home Page

Landing Page

Content – The information on your website

Content is what people come to your website for.

They want information and they want it to be easy to read and navigate through. People expect images that load quickly and a nice colour scheme. They want to have a pleasurable experience learning about what you do or what you offer.

They don’t want to enter your site and have it looking like a dogs breakfast.

As you can see content creation is pretty full on.

We take the guess work out of website content so you only have to pass on the information about your specific product or service and we can do the rest.

Content – Inclusions

Professionally Edited and Cross-Checked With “Grammarly”

Consistent Language Structure

1 Hour Planning and Consultation

Clear Headings

Scannable Text

Inverted Pyramid Style of Web Content Creation

Best Practice Regarding Type Face, Type Family and Sans Serif Font

Best Practice Vertical Spacing, Alignment and Justification for Web.

Logical Colour Scheme

Implementation of Colour Theory in Web Design

RGB Hexadecimal Best Practice Web Design Colour

Logical Theme and Motifs


72 DPI Web Design Best Practice

Access to Royalty Free Stock Images

Customer Focused Text

Contact Form

Interactive Button Links

Copyright Information in Footer Section

Infrastructure – The nuts and bolts that hold your website together

Our infrastructure is second to none.

We only use the best hosting and domain names located in Australia.

Your website will be built using the exact same content management system as some of the biggest companies in the history of the world. There is a reason Microsoft, Disney, and Facebook trust WordPress software to build their websites.

Its not just the big guns that use WordPress. Over 60 % of all CMS websites in the entire world are built using this powerful tool.

Infrastructure- Inclusions

Multi Award Winning Australian Hosting

Offset Carbon Emissions

Custom Domain Name

Custom Email Name

Encrypted Security

Secure Password

99.99% Uptime Guarantee

Sydney Australia Data Centre

Technical Support

Daily Backup of Website Data

Automatic Backups

WordPress Content Management System

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We believe this is THE BEST website deal in Australia.


If you still don’t believe our $299 website deal is THE BEST VALUE IN AUSTRALIA  go and check out some of the companies who have already taken us up on our offer below.

Crazy $299 Web Offer

Even better than that get on the phone right now and ring your local web designer and see if they will match our offer.

That’s how confident we are that this is the best entry level website on the market.


Here’s a rundown of what your saving:

1 Years Domain Name – $19.95 – Yours for free

1 Hour Planning Session – $74.95 – Included

5 Hours of a Professional Web Designers Time and Expertise – $374.75 – Included

Word Press Visual Builder Software and Themes – $299 – Included

WordPress Updates over the course of a year – $74.95 – Lifetime access included


Total Cost – $843.80

Your Cost – $299

Your Savings – $544.80

For $299 you can have a powerful website built for you while you get back to doing what you do best. Run Your Business.

Our dedicated computer nerds… (I mean web designers) know how to build an effective website and they can do it fast. You can be online in under 48 hours.

Call In The NERDS

Can your business afford to not have a website?

Get a free consultation now…

What Are You Waiting For – You could be killing it online in under 48 hours!